![]() Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Women in Society, Robert D. Clark Honors College, and the UO Libraries Special Collections and University Archives. As part of the Center for the Study of Women in Society¹s 40th Anniversary Celebration, and as a way of honoring the role that Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) played in the founding of CSWS, Young Gunns is collaborating with the University of Oregon Knight Library and the Robert D. Clark Honors College (CHC) to create the Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship. (Guidelines PDF)Purpose: The intention of the Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship is to encourage research within collections in the area of feminist science fiction.The Knight Library houses the papers of authors Ursula K. Le Guin, Joanna Russ, Kate Wilhelm, Suzette Haden Elgin, Sally Miller Gearhart, Kate Elliot, Molly Gloss, Laurie Marks, and Jessica Salmonson, along with Damon Knight. SCUA is also in the process of acquiring the papers of James Tiptree, Jr. and other key feminist science fiction authors. For more about these collections, visit http://library.uoregon. edu/node/3524. Fellowship description: This award supports travel for the purpose of research on, and work with, the papers of feminist science fiction authors housed in the Knight Library. These short-term research fellowships are open to undergraduates, master¹s and doctoral students, postdoctoral scholars, college and university faculty at every rank, and independent scholars working in feminist science fiction. In 2013, $3,000 will be awarded to conduct research within these collections. The fellowship selection committee will include representatives from CSWS, CHC, and the UO Libraries. Funding: CSWS is accepting donations to permanently endow the Le Guin Science Fiction Fellowship. To contribute to the endowment, please visit https://securelb. imodules.com/s/1540/ foundation/index.aspx?sid=1540&gid=1&pgid=408&cid=1095. Click on ³additional options² and enter ³CSWS Le Guin Fellowship² in the box marked ³additional gift instructions.² Fellows will:Complete their research at the University of Oregon within a year of award notification;Submit a 1,000-word (maximum) essay on their research topic to CSWS for possible inclusion in publications;Meet with representatives from CSWS, CHC, and SCUA during their visit to Eugene;Submit a separate paragraph to CSWS documenting the specific collections consulted during the fellowship;Submit a copy of their final project or publication to CSWS;Acknowledge the Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship and its sponsors (Center for the Study of Women in Society, Robert D. Clark Honors College, and Knight Library Special Collections and University Archives) in all publications resulting from the research fellowship.Applicants must submit by September 1, 2013:A 1,000-word (maximum) proposal that describes the project for which these collections will be consulted, as well as the role that the applicant expects these collections will play in the project;An anticipated budget for the research visit;A two-page curriculum vitae or resume;Full contact information;Two letters of recommendation. Applications (as PDF attachments) and questions should be emailed to Jenée Wilde, CSWS Development GTF ([email protected]). As part of CSWS¹s 40th Anniversary Celebration, the Le Guin Feminist Science Fiction Fellowship recipient for 2013-14 will be announced at the Sally Miller Gearhart ³Worlds Beyond World² Symposium, University of Oregon, November 8-9, 2013, with honored guest speaker Ursula K. Le Guin. For information, go to http://csws.uoregon.edu/? page_id=14518. Symposium registration: guestli.st/ 164928.
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