RSVPing in a timely manner is a courtesy to the generous members who host the meetings so they can plan for how many people will be descending on their home. It also maintains limits on who can attend a meeting based on the practical limits of our critique format. If you are unable to attend, change your RSVP as soon as you know. If there is a wait list and you don’t change your RSVP, it prevents other writers from attending. The writers who have submitted their work deserve a thorough and diverse critique. It’s also a courtesy to the meeting's host, so they can prepare for the meeting. The Organizer(s) reserve the right to remove a member from the group if he or she "No Show's" more than 3 meetings without informing at least one of the Organizers. This policy applies only to the critique meetings, not to the social events. If you can't change your RSVP, please leave a message on the event page for that meeting or email the Organizer in charge of that meeting as soon as you know your availability. You can also use one of the following options: Brad Parks *Call or text: 512.350.4521 Email: [email protected] Cameron Roberson Call or text: 585.200.6202 *Email: [email protected] *indicates the preferred method of communication Thank you, Your Organizers |