![]() Perhaps due to its relative proximity to Earth (a little over four light years, a modest leap in galactic terms) the binary star system of Alpha Centauri A&B has long held our attentions from ancient astronomers to speculative fiction writers. The almost romantic premise of reaching such a tantalizingly close system tempts the wander-lusting ape in each of us. In 2012 a European team discovered that Alpha Centauri B has a planet, currently known as Bb. The planet, while similar to Earth in terms of mass, orbits much too close to its star to be habitable (surface temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, more than twice the temperature of Venus, the hottest planet in our system). The discovery has nonetheless opened the door of possibilities. If Alpha Centauri B has a planet there may be other Earth-mass planets waiting to be detected. It took over three years of observation to detect Alpha Centauri Bb, using an advanced and complicated technique (radial velocity). If the Alpha Centauri AB system has Earthlike planets they might make a logical destination for future spacefarers. While methods for reaching the nearby binary system are only theoretical they have been explored by private visionaries and even the US naval academy and NASA (project Longshot). Next stop…Alpha Centauri!
1 Comment
1/6/2014 12:25:21 pm
Radial velocity isn't really that complicated. Because of the Doppler Effect, stars’ spectra shift toward red as they recede from us, toward
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